
Archive for April, 2019

“For marriage, you should choose the most appropriate person, not choose the best one”

Think about it some more…

The best one may have the best prospects and be the most good looking and have the most assets etc. But if he is not appropriate for you, what does that matter?

Befor you can know what is ‘appropriate’ for you, and most suitable, you must know your innermost self. Do not lie to yourself or mislead yourself. Even if all of you cannot be revealed to the world, you must stand ‘naked’ in front of yourself and use that information to make important life decisions, such as marriage.

You must know where you are and who you are. If you know yourself, what you want from this world, where your dreams are taking you, and on what road you are standing ready to walk it, then you can find the one that is most appropriate for you.

Lastly, never ever marry someone hoping to conform yourself to him or that he will conform himself to you. Be you, strive to be the best you that you can be and always use the best you to match yourself to him. And hopefully, he will be himself, striving to be the best of himself and using the best of himself to match you, so you guys can walk as pairs, complimentary but not the same. Together more beautiful and better than when taken singly. This is the best way inshaAllah.

**There’s other versions of course but we aren’t talking about that here today alhamdulillah

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